🎬 Create Custom HotKeys to Switch Apps Between Monitors

These hotkeys or shortcuts help without having to do all that. shift+windows+left arrow, for the left side, and shift+windows+right arrow for the right side.

I hope this helps you. Thanks for watching!

Recipe Link: https://streamdecklabs.com/move-active-window-to-monitor-on-the-left-or-right/

Create Custom HotKeys to Switch Apps Between Monitors…

This video was made for Windows, but I can make one at a later time for Mac users.

I find this hotkey very useful because not all apps open on the monitor you want if you have more than one.

I run a dual monitor setup, and as you saw in my video some games, and apps don’t always give an option. Sometimes you’re forced to go into window mode, and then move it.

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